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    Terms & Conditions - NCG Online | 在线课程条款


    1.1. In these Terms & Conditions, “NCG” refers to New College Group, the term “you” refers to a customer or student, the term “we” refers to NCG.
    1.2. These Terms & Conditions are specific to the NCG online courses.
    1.3. You agree to be bound by these Terms & Conditions, and any other relevant NCG policy and procedure:
    1.3.1. By completing the online registration and making the payment for an NCG online course; or
    1.3.2. By enrolling on an online course via a third-party agent;
    1.3.3. If you are under 18 years of age, by enrolling on an online course via your parents/legal guardians or a third-party agent.

    1.1. 在这些条款和条件中,“NCG”指新学院集团,“您”指客户或学生,“我们”指NCG。

    1.2. 这些条款和条件是专门针对NCG在线课程的。

    1.3. 您同意遵守这些条款和条件,以及任何其他相关的NCG政策和程序:

    1.3.1. 完成在线注册并支付NCG在线课程费用;或

    1.3.2. 通过第三方代理注册在线课程;

    1.3.3. 如果您未满18岁,请通过您的父母/法定监护人或第三方代理注册在线课程。

    2. MINIMUM AGE | 最少年龄

    2.1. You must be 16 or older in order to join an NCG online course.
    2.2. If you are aged 16 or 17, we will ask you to provide the written consent from your parents or legal guardians for you to join an NCG online course.

    2.1. 您必须年满16岁才能参加NCG在线课程。

    2.2. 如果您年满16岁或17岁,我们将要求您提供您的父母或法定监护人的书面同意,以便您参加NCG在线课程。

    3. COURSE START DATES | 课程开始日期

    3.1. You can start a course any Monday except on UK Public Holidays and in the Christmas week.

    3.1. 除了英国公共假期和圣诞节外,您可以在任何周一开始课程。


    4.1. NCG reserves the right to change details of its advertised online courses, and course dates, where circumstances beyond the company’s control necessitate such changes or where the number of enrolments is not enough to operate an online course viably.
    4.2. In the unlikely event that NCG is unable to deliver your online course in full, you may be offered enrolment on a suitable alternative online course at no extra cost. You have the right to choose whether you would prefer to cancel the online course (terms and conditions apply), or to accept a place on another online course. A minimum of five students are required for an online course to run. If there are fewer than eight students, alternative arrangements may be made.

    4.1. NCG保留更改其在线课程广告细节和课程日期的权利,如果公司无法控制的情况需要进行此类更改,或者注册人数不足以有效运营在线课程。

    4.2. 在不太可能的情况下,NCG无法全额交付您的在线课程,您可能会被提供一个合适的替代在线课程,而无需支付额外费用。您有权选择是否愿意取消在线课程(条款和条件适用),或者接受另一个在线课程的位置。在线课程至少需要5名学生。如少于八名学生,可另作安排。

    5. PAYMENT | 支付

    5.1. Payment for the NCG Online Courses must be received in full at least 1 calendar week prior to the course start date.
    5.2. Bookings are made in the UK and prices are given in GBP.

    5.1. NCG在线课程的付款必须在课程开始日期前至少一个日历周全额收到。

    5.2. 预订在英国进行,价格以英镑给出。


    6.1. Before the start of the online course | 在线课程开始前
    6.1.1. EU Students: From the moment you make the payment, you have 14 calendar days to cancel the online course in order to receive a full refund (if you have already started the online course, any live lessons you have taken will be deducted from the refund). If it is more than 14 calendar days from the date the payment was made and up to 5 calendar days before the start of the online course, you will receive a full refund. If it is more than 14 calendar days from the date the payment was made and less than 5 calendar days from the start of the online course, one week course fee will be deducted from the refund.
    6.1.2. Non-EU Students: If you cancel the online course up to 5 calendar days before the start day you will receive a full refund. If you cancel the online course giving less than 5 calendar days’ notice, one week course fee will be deducted from the refund.

    6.1.1. 欧盟学生: 从您付款的那一刻起,您有14个日历天取消在线课程以获得全额退款(如果您已经开始在线课程,您所参加的任何现场课程将从退款中扣除)。 如果从付款之日起超过14个日历日,并且在在线课程开始前不超过5个日历日,您将获得全额退款。 如果从付款之日起超过14个日历日,从在线课程开始不到5个日历日,将从退款中扣除一周的课程费用。

    6.1.2. 非欧盟学生: 如果您在课程开始前5个日历天取消在线课程,您将获得全额退款。如果您在5个日历天内取消在线课程,将从退款中扣除一周的课程费用。

    6.2. After the start of the online course | 在线课程开始后
    6.2.1. Outside clause above, once you have started the online course you must give 2 weeks’ notice to end the course early and to receive a refund of the remainder of the course.

    6.2.1. 在第6.1.1.1条之外。以上,一旦你开始在线课程,你必须提前两周通知提前结束课程,并收到课程剩余部分的退款。

    6.3. Exceptions | 不退款的条件
    6.3.1. No refund will be made if a student is expelled from an online course because of offensive, aggressive or inappropriate language, behavior or attire.

    6.3.1. 如果学生因为冒犯性、攻击性或不恰当的语言、行为或着装而被开除出在线课程,学费不予退还。

    6.4. Cancellation and refund process | 取消与退款的流程
    6.4.1. Notice of any cancellation and any refund application must be made by email to ncg@g 
    . Failure to provide email notification will lead to full charges being made.
    6.4.2. Refunds will be processed within 30 calendar days from the date the refund application has been submitted.
    6.4.3. Refunds can only be paid to the same bank account or credit card from which original payment was received.

    6.4.1. 任何取消通知和退款申请必须通过电子邮件发送至admissions@newcollegegroup.com。未能提供电子邮件通知将被收取全额费用。

    6.4.2. 退款将在提交退款申请之日起30个日历日内处理。

    6.4.3. 退款只能支付到收到原始付款的同一银行账户或信用卡。


    7.1. You must be the user of the online course and you cannot transfer an online course to anyone else – i.e. you cannot share your personal login details with anyone else.
    7.2. You are not permitted to take videos or recordings of any other kinds of any class.
    7.3. Your teacher can ask you to leave the class or you can be expelled from the course if you engage in any offensive, aggressive or inappropriate language, behavior or attire.

    7.1. 您必须是在线课程的用户,并且您不能将在线课程转让给其他人-即您不能与其他人分享您的个人登录信息。

    7.2. 您不允许拍摄任何其他类型的任何课程的视频或录音。

    7.3. 如果你有任何冒犯性、攻击性或不恰当的语言、行为或着装,你的老师可能会要求你离开课堂,或者你可能会被开除。


    8.1. NCG will process and share personal information provided by you in accordance with the UK Data Protection Act 2018 and any other applicable data protection legislation.
    8.2. By submitting an application to NCG, you agree to the storage of your personal details, including sensitive personal data, in NCG’s administrative systems, whether electronic, on paper or any other medium, and to the usage of that information for NCG’s purposes only.
    8.3. Personal information processed by NCG will include your full name, age, contact details and, where appropriate, the full name and contact details of your parents, legal guardians, agent or sponsor. We will also keep data about your education, health, welfare, accommodation, travel, passport/national ID, visa, finances and fees.
    8.4. We will sometimes need to share your personal information with other organisations in the UK or overseas. We will only share all or part of your personal information when:
    8.4.1. It is necessary for the provision of services involving external suppliers (e.g. third party online teaching platforms); and/or
    8.4.2. It is legally required or lawful to do so.
    8.5. We reserve the right to record any live online class. By participating in the live class, you agree that we may record and process a video of this class (including your image and/or voice) and make it publicly available.

    8.1. NCG将根据《2018年英国数据保护法》和任何其他适用的数据保护立法处理和共享您提供的个人信息。

    8.2. 通过向NCG提交申请,您同意将您的个人详细信息(包括敏感个人数据)存储在NCG的管理系统中,无论是电子、纸质还是任何其他介质,并仅为NCG的目的使用该信息。

    8.3. NCG处理的个人信息将包括您的全名、年龄、联系方式,以及您的父母、法定监护人、代理人或担保人的全名和联系方式。我们还将保留您的教育、健康、福利、住宿、旅行、护照/身份证、签证、财务和费用等信息。

    8.4. 我们有时需要与英国或海外的其他组织共享您的个人信息。我们只会在以下情况下共享您的全部或部分个人信息:

    8.4.1. 需要提供涉及外部供应商(如第三方在线教学平台)的服务;和/或

    8.4.2. 这样做是法律要求或合法的。

    9. FORCE MAJEURE | 不可抗力

    9.1. We are not responsible for any events outside our reasonable control which may cause the cancellation of any online course, classes, or other services that we provide. Events outside our reasonable control may include, without limitation, war, riot, civil strife, industrial dispute, terrorist activity, disaster, storm or other extreme weather conditions, flood, plague and infectious disease.

    9.1. 对于超出我们合理控制范围的任何可能导致我们提供的任何在线课程、课程或其他服务取消的事件,我们概不负责。超出我们合理控制范围的事件可能包括但不限于战争、暴乱、内乱、劳资纠纷、恐怖活动、灾难、风暴或其他极端天气条件、洪水、瘟疫和传染病。


    10.1. These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of the United Kingdom and the relevant courts of the United Kingdom will have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to these Terms and Conditions.

    10.1. 这些条款和条件受英国法律管辖,英国的相关法院将对这些条款和条件拥有专属管辖权。
