NCG’s accreditation and membership of the following organisations is your guarantee of quality. Don’t just take our word for it – we are regularly inspected by some of the most important accrediting bodies in the industry.
Our Manchester and Liverpool schools are regularly inspected by the British Council in the areas of teaching, management, resources & environment, welfare and care of under 18s. We have been awarded numerous areas of strength in our UK centres in our most recent inspections, including teaching at both centres. | English UK is the association of English language teaching centres in the UK and the voice of the UK ELT sector. The English UK member logo is a distinctive stamp of quality for English UK member language centres. It communicates the high quality of teaching and care students can expect at an English UK member centre and membership of the English UK community. | NCG is proud to be an approved English language partner of Bildungsurlaub educational leave courses in both Liverpool and Manchester. |
我们的曼彻斯特和利物浦学校定期接受英国文化协会在教学,管理,资源与环境,福利和18岁以下儿童护理方面的检查。在我们最近的检查中,我们在英国中心获得了许多领域的优势,包括在两个中心的教学。 | 英国英语协会是英国英语语言教学中心协会,也是英国英语教学部门的代言人。英国英语协会会员标志是英国英语协会会员语言中心质量的独特标志。它传达了高质量的教学和关怀,学生可以期望在英国英语会员中心和英国英语社区的成员。 | NCG很荣幸成为利物浦和曼彻斯特Bildungsurlaub教育休假课程的英语语言合作伙伴。 |
We are proud to offer high-quality, accredited English language education to our international students. For more information about our accreditations or memberships, please contact the team.